Strong Interest Inventory® Certification
$1100 USD + IVA
The Strong Interest Inventory® is one of the most respected and widely used career planning instruments in the world and it has been used extensively in the education sector and in organizations.
It guides students and individuals in their search for a rich and fulfilling career by revealing their interest patterns through a range of complementary scales which include General Occupation Themes, Occupational Scales and Personal Style Scales.
This program certifies you to purchase, administer and interpret the most widely used career interest inventory in the world — fully on-line!
The program is designed for career guidance counselors, academic advisors, outplacement specialists, HR consultants and other HR professionals who facilitate, mentor or coach working adults and/or students on career exploration and career planning.
The Strong Certification Program will enable you to:
- Empower individuals to identify careers, jobs, and activities that closely align with their interests.
- Offer different perspectives on career direction, from general areas of interest to specific occupations.
- Provide robust and reliable data about a person’s interests and work preferences.
- Help organizations retain employees by uncovering work areas in which their people are more likely to thrive.
You will receive a certificate of program and full Strong certification with the publisher.
- Frameworks for individual and group interpretation
- Holland’s theory of personalities and work environments
- History and construction of the Strong Interest Inventory®instrument
- Basic testing and measurement concepts
- Reliability and validity
- Ethical guidelines and assessment issues
- Career development, career change, and job fit applications
- The latest in research findings and new product development
- The program is a virtual self-paced program. It is taken through a platform that gives you contents, resources and material to gain learnings and practice.
- The program, contents and materials are in english only.
- The program is designed to take approximately 35-40 hours.You have 60 calendar days to complete the program from the day that you are officially enrolled. The online learning platform will automatically drop anyone who does not complete the 10 quizzes within 60 calendar days or who does not log in at least once every 14 calendar days. There is a fee to re-enroll.
- For enrolling you will have to pay for the program (here) and purchase materials (directly with the publisher).
Receive a certificate of completion.
Special discount
For Practitioners on the purchase of the Strong Interest Inventory® instrument.
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